



Annual Reports on Committee Activities:


Board of Directors

This is an elected committee that is ultimately responsible for SORTEE. Three positions on the board come open each year and are elected by the members of SORTEE in November. These terms last for three (3) years.


Members serving from 2025 through 2027 are:


Michael Bertram
Michael Bertram is an Assistant Professor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, where he investigates the impacts of human-induced environmental change on wildlife populations.


Stephanie Flaman
Stephanie Flaman is a MSc student at the University of Regina in conjunction with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.


Marija Purgar
Marija Purgar (President-Elect) is a PhD student in Oceanology at the Faculty of Science and a research assistant at the Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb.


Members serving from 2024 through 2026 are:


Matthieu Paquet
Matthieu Paquet is a researcher working on behavioural ecology and population dynamics at the Theoretical and Experimental Ecology Station (SETE,CNRS).


Malgorzata (Losia) Lagisz
Malgorzata (Losia) Lagisz is a Research Fellow at the University of New South Wales Sydney, where she works on meta-research and evidence synthesis.


Members serving from 2023 through 2025 are:


Ed Ivimey-Cook
Ed Ivimey-Cook (President) is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Glasgow.

Patrice Pottier
Patrice Pottier is a PhD student at the University of New South Wales.

Alfredo Sánchez Tójar
Alfredo Sánchez Tójar is a researcher at Bielefeld University, where he focuses on evidence synthesis and meta-research in ecology and evolution.


Members serving from 2022 through 2024 are:


Kaija Gahm
Kaija Gahm (Secretary) is a PhD student at UCLA, studying spatiotemporal dynamics of vulture social networks in the Pinter-Wollman lab.

Alexa Fredston
Alexa Fredston (Treasurer) is a quantitative ecologist and Assistant Professor at the University of California Santa Cruz.


Executive Committee

As specified in the SORTEE bylaws, the Executive Committee is chosen by the Board of Directors.
Current officers are:  

Ed Ivimey-Cook (President)
Marija Purgar (President-Elect)
Rose O’Dea (Past President)
Alexa Fredston (Treasurer)
Kaija Gahm (Secretary)


Advocacy Committee

The Advocacy committee will develop policy statements and propose advocacy projects for improving the openness, reliability, and transparency of research in ecology and evolutionary biology.

Current members are:

Joel Pick
Chair: Joel Pick (Website)

Christian John
Ed Ivimey-Cook
Julia Sharapi
Kevin Bairos-Novak
Leyla Cabugos
Marija Purgar
Sarah Hasnain
Shinichi Nakagawa


Awards Committee

The awards committee is responsible for managing the SORTEE awards program

Current members are:

Hannah Dugdale
Chair: Hannah Dugdale (Website)

Elina Takola
Malgorzata (Losia) Lagisz
Sandra Hamel


Budget Committee

The Budget Committee reviews and approves funding requests.

Current members are:

Alexa Fredston
Kaija Gahm
Tim Parker
Ed Ivimey-Cook
Malgorzata (Losia) Lagisz


Conference Committee

The Conference committee organizes the virtual SORTEE Conference, held in October.

Current members are:

Juliette Tariel-Adam
Chair: Juliette Tariel-Adam (Website)

Anita Tarandek
Ineta Kačergytė
James Last
Magdalena Wutkowska
Marija Purgar
Sissi Lozada Gobilard
Sofia Paraskevopoulou
Stephanie Flaman


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion within SORTEE’s activities and committees.

Current members are:

Brooke Long-Fox
Chair: Brooke Long-Fox

Friederike (Freddy) Hilleman
Co-Chair: Friederike (Freddy) Hilleman (Website)

Charlotte Recapet
Elvira D’Bastiani
Frigg Speelman
Malika Ihle
Manasee Weerathunga
Sarah Hasnain
Sofia Paraskevopoulou
Suz Everingham


EcoEvoRxiv Committee

EcoEvoRxiv (EcoEvo“archive”) is a not-for-profit subject-matter specific research repository for works related to ecology, evolution and conservation and is the official preprint server of SORTEE.

Current members are:

Daniel Noble
Chair: Daniel Noble (Website)

Stefan Vriend
Co-Chair: Stefan Vriend (Website)

Birgit Szabo
Elvira D’Bastiani
Félicie Dhellemmes
Jenna Braun
Mark Young
Marta Acácio
Melina de Souza Leite
Nicholas Wu
Niladri Mondal
Pablo Recio Santiago
Yseult Héjja-Brichard
Brooke Long-Fox


Education and Outreach Committee

The Education & Outreach committee provides educational resources to individuals and organizations interested in learning more about improving research by making it more open, reliable, and transparent.

Current members are:

Saoirse Kelleher
Chair: Saoirse Kelleher (Website)

Elizabeth Hrycyna
Giulia Masoero
Iain Moodie
Leonardo Capitani
Leveda Cheng
Nusrath Jahan Emu
Philip Ogbevire
Zuzanna Zagrodzka


Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising committee develops and implements plans for raising funds to support SORTEE.

Current members are:

Matthieu Paquet

Chair: Matthieu Paquet (Website)

Aidan Tan
Christopher Barker
Dominique Roche
Michael Bertram
Ruby Krasnow
Snata Chakraborty
Barbara Class


Media Committee

The Media committee develops content (for the website, social media, and newsletter), designs and maintains the website, and develops new ideas for spreading the word about SORTEE and open, reliable, and transparent science.

Current members are:

Tim Parker

Chair: Tim Parker (Website)

Alfredo Sánchez-Tójar
Caleb Onoja Akogwu
Gabe Winter
Malgorzata (Losia) Lagisz
Manasee Weerathunga
Oakleigh Wilson
Swastika Issar


Member Engagement Committee

The Member Engagement Committee oversees opportunities for SORTEE members to interact throughout the year. The motivation behind starting this committee is to increase the benefits of SORTEE membership (e.g., camaraderie and the opportunity to join collaborative projects).

Current members are:

Natalie van Dis

Chair: Natalie van Dis (Website)

Cecilia Baldoni
Charlotte Recapet
Corné de Groot
Malgorzata (Losia) Lagisz
Michael Remke
Rachel Turba


Senior Advisory Board

The purpose of the SAB is to provide senior counsel and advice to SORTEE leadership (Officers, Directors, and Chairs), and to facilitate strategic connections with related organizations and individuals. The Terms of Reference for the Senior Advisory Board can be found here.

Current members are:

Allen Moore
Ben Sheldon
Bob Montgomerie
Bob Wong
Fiona Fidler
Julia Koricheva
Klaus Reinhold
Loeske Kruuk
Mark Burgman
Michael Jennions
Nicolas Galtier
Richard McElreath
Tracey Chapman
William Sutherland


Past Board Members

Please see this page.